Please Note: There are no bus services to Imber on normal Open Days or for any events. Buses only run on Imberbus Day
Open Days
Provisionally the Church of St Giles and Imber village will be open to visitors over Easter
Imberbus Day
Provisionally the now famous Imberbus Day will run on August 16th
August Open Days
Provisionally the church of St Giles and Imber village will
be open to visitors between
Saturday 23rd and Monday 25th August

August Bank Holiday Open Days
We have provisional approval for St Giles Church and Imber
Village to be open to visitors over the August Bank Holiday
weekend from Saturday 23rd to Monday 25th August inclusive.
We expect St Giles Church to be open from 1000hrs (10am) to
1600hrs (4pm) daily
Details of the day will be posted here in due course
Any Questions ?
If you have any questions about visiting St Giles Church simply go here

Withdrawal of Access
The Ministry of Defence may withdraw access to Imber for operational reasons at short notice. Please check here near to the time you wish to visit as we will post any changes as soon as possible after we are made aware of them. We cannot be held responsible for nugatory travel or accommodation expenses in the event that the MoD refuses access to Imber.